Three students, one lecturer and one alumnus of Széchenyi István University were honoured at the University Awards Gala on 13 January at the Media Ball. The University Hall was packed for the prestigious event.
For two decades, the Media Ball has been Győr’s defining social event, which is now also the University Awards Gala. In his welcome speech, Imre Pintér-Péntek, chief organiser of the event, President of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Managing Director of X-Meditor Ltd., drew a parallel between the organisation of the first Media Ball in 2004 and the elevation of Széchenyi István University to university status in 2002. He described it as a historic moment that the institution is recognising its most outstanding citizens for the first time at this evening. Prof. Dr. Csaba András Dézsi, Mayor of Győr, said: the diligence, talent, knowledge and work of the people of Győr create the basis for success, of which the excellent university is a part. „If Győr develops, the university develops, if the university develops, the city develops”, he said.
Dr. Bálint Filep, President of the University, emphasized in his welcome speech that the university years are the most decisive years in the lives of young people.
„It is during this period that they find their profession, their vocation, and establish their career. They learn how to survive without their parents. They gain experience abroad, and many find a partner. It is not easy to become independent, but Széchenyi University provides an excellent and supportive environment for this,” he said.
He added:
„a good university needs excellent colleagues, inspiring academic subjects, constant challenges, an entrepreneurial ecosystem, diverse sporting and cultural opportunities, and a campus that serves students to a high standard. „I am proud to say that Széchenyi University has all of these,” said Dr. Bálint Filep. He noted that the high quality of the institution is guaranteed by the fact that it has been ranked in six world rankings in higher education, on four of which it has made its debute last year.
„These rankings place us in the top five percent of universities in the world. Our students have the opportunity to flourish in a truly international environment, as our student community is made up of young people from nearly 80 countries,” he said.

Dr. Bálint Filep, President of Széchenyi István University (Photo: András Adorján)
Two students were awarded the Student of the Year 2023 prize at the event. Dorina Bosits, a law student at Széchenyi István University, won the National Higher Education Scholarship with the highest score of all students this academic year. She won the 2022 YOU MÁJT WIN Legal History Competition and last year’s Latin Literacy Competition, and contributed to the success of the Law and Political Science Section of the 36th National Scientific Student Conference 2023 in Győr. Dániel Doma, a student of computer engineering, achieved the highest score among the students of the university studying in the field of engineering and technology in the National Scholarship for Higher Education 2023/2024. He also carries out research and development activities in the Special College of Computer Science and the Special College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. His cross-disciplinary innovation was a success at the Scientific Students’ Conference: he created a web interface that shows the live performance of Hungarian power plants. He is proud to be involved in the development of Széchenyi University’s own satellite.

The students of the Year, Dorina Bosits

and Dániel Doma, were presented the award by Dr. Zsolt Kovács, Vice President for General and Educational Affairs of Széchenyi István University, Dr. Eszter Lukács, Vice President for International Affairs and Strategic Relations and Prof. Ferenc Friedler, Rector and Vice President for Academic Research. (Photo by András Adorján)
Wiradisuria Ahmad Faishal, a logistics engineering student, was chosen as the International Student of the Year. The Indonesian youngster was recognised for his success at the Student Science and Arts Conference, as well as his research and community activities.

The Indonesian Wiradisuria Ahmad Faishal became the International Student of the Year is (Photo: András Adorján)
The Teacher of the Year Award was given to Dr. Gyula Pinke, Professor of the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty, an internationally renowned authority in botany, for his outstanding work in the field of student education and talent management.

Dr. Gyula Pinke, professor of the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty, received the Teacher of the Year 2023 award (Photo: András Adorján)
The Alumnus of the Year is József Kreinbacher, a renowned building contractor and champagne producer, who contributes to the reputation of the university through his versatile and exemplary work, innovative solutions and commitment to quality. He graduated in Transport Engineering from the predecessor of the institution, the Technical College of Transport and Telecommunications. Unable to attend the ceremony in person, he thanked the recipient by video message.
„The unforgettable years in Győr gave me the practical knowledge and mindset that I could put to good use in both professional and business life. The university’s ethos has strengthened my openness to the world, shaped my personality and awakened in me the creative desire not to be afraid to dream big and sometimes to go down paths that no one has trodden before,” he said, calling the university’s development inspiring.

József Kreinbacher thanked the Alumnus of the Year 2023 award in a video message (Photo: András Adorján)
The guests of the spectacular, high quality event were entertained by such excellent artists and musicians as Adrien Szekeres, Boldizsár László, Erika Miklósa, the Győr Philharmonic Orchestra, the Dívák (Enikő Détár, Nelly Fésűs and Judit Ladinek), Máté Járai, Ádám Jávorkai, the 64U Party Band and the Hoppáré band. The opening dance was performed by the Ballet Company of Győr. The Media Personality of the Year award was given to television presenter Gábor Gönczi.