Commemorating the Revolution: Awards and Doctoral Titles Conferred at SZE’s Ceremony

Created: 2025.03.19. 16:26

At Széchenyi István University’s ceremony on Tuesday, commemorating the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848–49, doctoral degrees were awarded, and prestigious recognitions were presented to individuals who have significantly contributed to the University’s development.

“On 15 March 1848, Hungarians sent a message to the world that they chose independence and progress. On that day, the youth took the fate of the nation into their own hands to fight for freedom. The young revolutionaries took on what seemed an impossible mission with youthful passion and determination. They did not wait for others but led the nation forward themselves. This same drive propels Hungary’s most dynamically developing higher education institution, Széchenyi István University, which pursues its educational, scientific, and innovation activities with similar dedication while continuously enhancing its infrastructure. Our mission is to train professionals whose expertise is highly valued by both the economy and society,” said Dr Ferenc Friedler, Rector and Vic- President for Scientific Affairs of Széchenyi István University, in his ceremonial speech.

He emphasised that the institution provides a modern laboratory infrastructure, international partnerships, and collaborations with leading companies, creating a strong foundation for students and faculty members. “Our Győr Innovation Park, Smart Farm in Mosonmagyaróvár, Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, and Győr MedTech Campus all offer unique opportunities where scientific work meets cutting-edge technological developments,” he added. The Rector highlighted that the University’s success is largely due to its unique governance and operational model, which enables outstanding efficiency in Hungary. Finally, he expressed gratitude to the University’s leaders and staff for their dedicated contributions to the institution’s growth.

Following the commemoration, the ceremony continued with the presentation of awards and recognitions. For the first time in the University’s history, the Arraboniensis Distinguished Professor title was awarded. This honour is given to researchers whose work is highly esteemed in the international scientific community and who have made a lasting impact on their field. The award was presented to Professor Srinivasan Madhavi from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Managing Director of the Energy Research Institute and the Office of Sustainability, as well as Co-Director of the Institute for Circular Economy Research. Professor Madhavi has significantly contributed to Széchenyi István University’s international research and development activities and to strengthening its scientific community.

Professor Srinivasan Madhavi from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore was the first recipient of the Arraboniensis Distinguished Professor title at Széchenyi István University (Photo: Máté Dudás)

The University awarded Honorary Doctorates to Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian from Columbia University in the United States for his outstanding scientific work, internationally recognised achievements, and dedicated contributions to Széchenyi University. The same title was awarded to Dr Ferenc Husvéth, Professor Emeritus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, who has supported the University’s development primarily by mentoring doctoral candidates, assisting with research and publication activities, and contributing to doctoral and habilitation procedures.


Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian from Columbia University received an Honorary Doctorate. (Photo: András Adorján)


Dr Ferenc Husvéth, Professor Emeritus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate. (Photo: Máté Dudás)

The Palma Academica Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Dr Csaba Galli, whose work has played a significant role in Széchenyi István University’s transition to University status and has contributed greatly to the development of adult education structures and methodologies.


Dr Csaba Galli received the Palma Academica Lifetime Achievement Award at Széchenyi István University (Photo: András Adorján)

The Professor Emeritus title was conferred upon Dr Borisz Egri, a lecturer at the Department of Animal Science of the Albert Kázmér Faculty of Mosonmagyaróvár, in recognition of his four decades of outstanding teaching and research in agricultural sciences and his contributions to training future generations of researchers. 

The Senate of Széchenyi István University awarded the Title of Honorary Master Lecturer to Dr Szilvia Bors, Judge at the Győr Tribunal and European Law Consultant at the Győr Court of AppealDr Judit Plutzer, Life Sciences Specialist at the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network and Dr Ervin Pál Finta, Medical Director of the South Buda Centre Hospital – St. Imre University Teaching Hospital, were both awarded Honorary University Professor titles. Gerard Figueras, Secretary for Sport and Physical Activity in Catalonia, and Erik Keszthelyi, owner of Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz Zrt., were awarded Honorary Associate Professor titles.


Gerard Figueras, Secretary for Sport and Physical Activity in Catalonia, was awarded the Honorary Associate Professor title. (Photo: András Adorján)


Erik Keszthelyi, owner of Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz Zrt., also received the Honorary Associate Professor title (Photo: Máté Dudás)

After the Győr Ballet’s festive programme, 25 people took their doctoral oaths: from the Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences, András Brautigam, Lajos Bálint Fehér, Erika Huschek-Juhász, Mohammed Ali Dilshad, Cristina Rosaria Monsone, Péter Nagy, Richárd Nagy, Attila Schweighardt and Taha Hussein. From the Doctoral School of Regional and Business Administration Sciences, Aliyev Tural, Csilla Bartucz, Dr Gábor Gubicza, Ghani Usman, Barbara Eszter Huszár, Ilhan Ali and Mária Erzsébet Keresztes. Dr János Kálmán, Dr Enikő Kovács-Szépvölgyi, Dr Zsóka Magyar, Dr Áron Ősze, Dr György András Payrich, Dr Tamara Pfeifer-Tóth, Dr Hedvig Szabó and Dr Dalma Takó from the Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences. Gábor Gyurcsó from the Wittmann Antal Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Plant, Animal and Food Sciences.


The dancers of the Győr Ballet raised the status of the commemoration with a worthy performance (Photo: Máté Dudás)

At the ceremonyDr Zoltán Major, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences, received his Habilitated Doctor title in Civil Engineering, while Dr Márta Alexy-Angyalné, Associate Professor at Óbuda University, was awarded the Habilitated Doctor title in Animal Science.

Following a recitation by Márk Kelemena student at the Győr National Theatrethe International Lecturer of the Year Award was presented to Dr Attila Borsos, Professor at the Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering. Dr Adrienn Dernóczi-Polyák, Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs at the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics, received the Bakonyi István Excellent Educator Award, while Dr Nikolett Fecser, Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, and Norbert Boros, Education Specialist at the Adult Education and Skills Development Centre, were honoured with the Excellent Mentor Award.

The Golden Level of the Board of Trustees’ Certificate of Recognition was awarded to Gyöngyi Sikos-Szabó, a teacher at the Öveges Kálmán Practice School and Primary School of Széchenyi István University. The Silver Level of the award was presented to Norbert Maár, an expert at the Széchenyi Alumni Magazine. The Outstanding Employee Award was given to Gáborné Fazekas, at the Financial DepartmentSzilvia Krokker, at the Doctoral and Habilitation CentreZoltán Kuti, at the University IT Centre; and Ildikó Sipos-Szigeti, Senior Executive Assistant at the Centre for International Programmes and Alumni.

The University Community Award was presented to Dr Attila Csillag, Senior Lecturer and Field Coordinator at the Department of Social Studies and SociologyAttila Béláné Vitéz, László Jánosné Milanovich, István Mészáros, Izabella Hoferné Kiss, Józsefné Kocsis, Mária Nagy, and Tibor Kuslits were recognised with Certificates of Service Recognition.